Bruce Schaefer, LMT
Massage Therapist (OBMT License No. 15180)


Treatment Selections Offered by Bruce Schaefer, LMT

Because every person has their own unique set of symptoms and expectations from a treatment session (which can change from visit to visit), Bruce offers several treatment selections for you to choose from. Please look these over and consider what you would like for your next appointment.

"Health Maintenance"
Using elements of Koho Anma (massage therapy) and Sokushindo (foot treatment therapy), Bruce's Health Maintenance treatment provides an enjoyable "tune up" for your body and mind. This selection is ideal for working out minor muscle stiffness or for unwinding after a stressful week.

"Pain & Muscle Dysfunction Treatment"
If you experiencing annoying muscle stiffness, acute or chronic pain, or tingling in your hands or feet, a more targeted approach is necessary. To accurately determine the specific causes of your condition Bruce will first perform several assessments using muscle and range of motion testing. Bruce can then focus your treatment on the primary and secondary muscles and joints involved in your condition using elements of Koho Anma (massage therapy), Sotai (assisted movement therapy), and possibly Sokushindo (foot treatment therapy).

"Integrated Therapies"
If you are experiencing reoccurring muscle stiffness or pain, the root cause may be deeper than repetitive-use, over-exertion, or poor posture (which may be why your symptoms are reoccurring or experiencing only temporary relief after any treatment). Instead of focusing on a specific symptom, Traditional Japanese medicine seeks to assess the whole person to find imbalances in any of the body systems. Once these root causes are determined and treated, symptoms may diminish on their own and/or any symptomatic treatment becomes more lasting and successful.

An Integrated Therapies treatment session begins with an assessment which may include checking the pulses and gentle palpation to find tender, tight, loose, warm, or cold areas of the body. Once the pattern of imbalance is determined, Bruce will use elements of several traditional and neo-classical Japanese healing arts, including Tsubo Therapy (acupoint stimulation), Koho Anma, Sokushindo, and Sotai.