Bruce Schaefer, LMT
Massage Therapist (OBMT License No. 15180)

Contact & Location Info

Call 541-556-7148

If Bruce is with a client and cannot answer your call, please leave a message and he will promptly return your call. When his office is closed, Bruce is still often available to talk with you, so don’t hesitate to call him at any reasonable time, any day of the week.

Office Location

Bruce Schaefer, LMT
321A Goodpasture Island Road
Eugene, Oregon 97401

Important--If Using Electronic Navigation

Please be aware that some GPS systems will incorrectly direct you about a half mile north of Bruce’s actual office location. Google Maps will show the correct location for Bruce’s office.

Visual Landmarks

Bruce’s office is located on the second floor of the Goodpasture Plaza office complex. Goodpasture Plaza is a two-story building (see photo above) located between the Chvatal/Blu Mist building and Kendall Collision Center on the west side of Goodpasture Island Road (just north of the intersection Valley River Drive).


There is parking available in the front and back of the Goodpasture Plaza building.

Once Inside the Building

After entering the front door of this office complex, take the elevator to the second floor. When you exit the elevator, walk toward the hallway adjacent to the drinking fountain. Bruce's office is at the end of this hallway to the right (Suite 321A).

Sunday Not Available
Monday Not Available
Tuesday 10:00AM - 5:30PM
Wednesday 10:00AM - 5:30PM
Thursday 10:00AM - 5:30PM
Friday 10:00AM - 5:30PM
Saturday Not Available